Friday, November 15, 2013

Using the Daily Goals

It's been a little while since I have addressed this.  I've thought about adding additional lines to the "Accomplish" list, taking it from 3 lines to 5.  I decided not to do that for a couple of reasons.  First, I figured that three would be succinct and enough for at least a half the day.  The idea is to only put down the important things you don't want to fall off your plate.  You can always update the list at lunch time, or any time during the day if you think you have more stuff you need to accomplish.  Second, you can put more than one item on a line.  That's what I tend to do.  I'll lump two or three items that are related on the same line.  I tend to only use one or two words to identify each goal, so I can squeeze more than one goal on a line.  I started doing that last year and have been doing it ever since.  So, between being able to revisit and update the list as things are completed, and entering more than one task on each line, I decided to keep the interface as is with just three lines.  Hope it's working for you.

If you'd like to contribute one of your experiences, reminders, any tool entry or just your thoughts to possibly help others make better use of Mood Sentry, please consider e-mailing the item (or your thoughts) to I'll protect your privacy and keep the source anonymous.

If your therapist would like to contact me with questions or suggestions, have him/her contact me at

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