Monday, February 11, 2013

Tough Day Today

It was a tough day today, but in a good way.  A new opportunity popped up in the morning, which distracted several of us throughout the day.  Because this new opportunity will probably consume much of my time over the next few weeks I tried to clear as much stuff off my plate as I could today.  I became a little frustrated while trying to wrap some things up due to the actions of others.  Oops.  I mean due to my own thoughts in regards to the actions of others.  Looking back on my day I think I was letting "should" statements drive my mood, cause me to feel anxious much of the day.  I really wanted to wrap some things up, but it just seemed that other people were not as motivated as I was.  I don't think that last statement is true, but was the result of should statements on my part.  They should have gotten the data to me when I requested it, they should have understood what each other wanted, they should have gotten to their point and moved on.  I was pretty busy and did not make the time to review my app during lunch, which may have helped me.  It's night time now, and reflecting back on my day is helping me see what thoughts drove my mood and helping me prepare for tomorrow.  I did get a lot of things done and will hammer out a few more tomorrow before this new opportunity really picks up some steam.  I'll try to make time to review the app both in the morning and at lunch.  That should help too.

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