Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tough Day Today

I'm starting to work on some updates to the app, on both the Android and iPhone versions.  There are multiple approaches I can take, and there are a lot of little things I need/want to do.  Keeping track of them all feels a bit overwhelming, and of course I have my typical forecasts of getting stuck on something (who knows what) and having a product that doesn't do what I'd like it to do.  Looking through some of my entries in the app I saw that I have some that apply to tasks like this.  One entry was called "Just Do It" and another was called "Getting Started."  What I've found is that starting on the effort helps my mood.  It sounds simple, and "should" be, but there's usually a lot of inertia for me in regards to undertaking a new and complex task.  However, recognizing that I've been here before (and will be again) and that getting started has traditionally helped defeat these thoughts helped push me through the inertia and get started.  I felt better, possibly because my mind was occupied on technical stuff.  Keeping track of things like this is what the app is for.  Having these records at my fingertips really helps.

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