Monday, February 25, 2013

Still Feeling Down this Morning

I'm still lamenting about not getting to take the week off.  So what did I do?  I reviewed My Experiences with this in mind.  The first distortion that came up when I opened My Experiences was magnification.  So I thought about how perhaps I'm magnifying the importance of not taking this week off and how this really isn't that important compared to having a job later this year (the reason I'm needed at work!).  I then started reviewing the other distortions with my lamentations in mind...
Emotional Reasoning - I'm down, and thus tend to focus on the negatives.  I did get some exercise in this morning and taking the time to review My Experiences is helping too.
Should Statements - yes: I should be able to take the time off.  Well, yeah, but I also should be ready to support my team when needed.  Priority wise, staying and helping is important.
Labeling - nothing here.
Personalization - I'm not sure if there's something here.
All or Nothing - yes: I'm never going to get to take time off.  That's just not true.  I have and will get to take time off.  This actually has an end date.
Overgeneralizations - yes: this always happens.  That just isn't true.  This doesn't always happen.  I've planned and taken time off on plenty of occasions.
Mental Filter - yes: I did find myself focusing on  only the bad stuff, but did take the time to think about the many things that are going well.
Disqualifying the Positive - nope.  Nothing here.
Jumping to Conclusions - yes: because I keep forecasting that I'm going to have to work late every day and still won't be able to get my regular work and the new tasks done.  This, so far, has not been even close to true based on recent experience.
Reviewing these entries in My Experiences like this helped improve my mood this morning and got me off to a pretty good start today.

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