Sunday, January 26, 2014

Still Working on the Website

This is consuming my thoughts, and getting in the way of addressing other things I'd like to address in regards to Mood Sentry, such as the next updates to the system and completing the documentation of the previous set up updates.  I'm frustrated, driven partially by should statements, such as this shouldn't have happened and the support team should be doing a better job of helping me.  I think there is some labeling going on, the label being "unprofessional" because a professional would have this resolved by now.  However, I know that "stuff" happens and the real test is how I respond.  I think I've done pretty well responding to this crisis.  Some things take a little while to update over the internet, so when I 'make changes to how I re-direct the domain to the website it can take up to 48 hours to have an effect.  I think I made the final fixes late this morning, so perhaps I'll see changes tomorrow.  Regarding the should statements and labels, I'll work on those tonight.

If you'd like to contribute one of your experiences, reminders, any tool entry or just your thoughts to possibly help others make better use of Mood Sentry, please consider e-mailing the item (or your thoughts) to I'll protect your privacy and keep the source anonymous.

If your therapist would like to contact me with questions or suggestions, have him/her contact me at

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