Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Overgeneralization, Again...

Here I am on vacation, checking the status of the app on both Google Plan and iTunes.  I just noticed that two people stopped using the iPhone version of the app.  My immediate thought was that I'll never get this app moving in either market, and I started feeling very depressed.  For some reason I caught this thought and treated it as an overgeneralization.  I'm taking these two people not finding the app helpful as a sign that no one else will either.  Here's a question for myself, so what if the app is not helpful to others?  Then what?  I guess I can solicit feedback and perhaps make some changes.  And if that doesn't work, I still have my other job.  I've worked hard to build a fairly stable app that runs on multiple platforms, but if that's all I get from this endeavor, I think I missed the bigger picture.  I've done a lot in terms of making something that helps me and may be able to help others.  I've started my own business and have even worked on a marketing plan.  Not to mention learning to program on both Android and iPhone devices.  That's a lot.  I have an update in the works that I intend to have out by the end of April, and I think will add a useful feature that a user recommended.  You'll hear more about it later this month.  Let me know of any ideas you have to make this more useful, user friendly, or what ever.  Send ideas to  Hope to hear from you.  Oh yes, I'm feeling a bit better right now.

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