Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tried Something Different

I was busy this morning and didn't find the time to review My Experiences.  However, I was just sitting down on the couch and reviewing the app when I thought about reviewing My Experiences while reflecting on the day's events.  It was a good thing for me to do.  I was able to identify distorted thoughts and reflect on the evidence that refuted those thoughts.  For example, if you follow this you know that I often forecast conflict and lost free time when opening e-mail.  I had such feelings/thoughts today as well as contradicting evidence.  None of my e-mails was confrontational, nor did any require an undue amount of time to address.  In fact, it was a pretty good day with no drama to speak of.  Reviewing my experiences while reflecting back on the day is something I'll try again.  There's something about reviewing my entries with fresh memories of what happened, what I thought, and how things turned out, that feels effective.

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