Sunday, July 22, 2012

Winding Things Up for the Day

Been a busy day.  I think I have an all or nothing distortion going on regarding things I need/want to do.  There are lots of things I need to do on any given day.  I have work stuff, house stuff, and other interests.  I can think of a lot of things to do on any given day.  My initial impulse is to work on everything I can think of.  That's a mighty tall task, particularly so because I can think of a lot of things to do.  Here's where I think the all or nothing may be coming in: if I don't do all that I thought up, then I've failed for the day.  Looking at that in text I'm not 100% sure I captured the thought, but if I did, wow.  I can see how extreme that thought is.  I used my prioritization scheme today to figure out what was important.  That helped cull the to-do list, or at least helped me identify the stuff I really need to do.  I tend to feel overwhelmed these days and think this all or nothing thought might be in the ballpark in regards to what's driving my mood.  I'll work on this some more.

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