Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lookin' for some help...

[Note: I wrote this on Saturday, May 5, but must of forgot to select Publish]

First, a little background...
I used to be about 20-25 pounds heavier than I am now.  I dropped the weight about 9 years ago and have maintained my weight in the low 130's ever since.  That's right in the middle of the healthy weight range for me.  It was easier to do before I got married.  I simply ate healthy most of the time and had a few favorite indulgences that I would enjoy every now and then.  For some reason, I put about 5 pounds on over the Nov-Dec holidays and have had a dickens of a time shedding it.  Family events center around food, and having married into a big family there's lots of family events.

Now to today's situation.
Today we celebrated a birthday.  Lot's of fried foods, refined flour, fatty meats, and of course deserts.  When I'm around food like that I tend to eat it, particularly in a social situation.  Today was no different.  This led to thoughts such as "I'll never shed these pounds,"  "I shouldn't have eaten so much," and  "I'll never get to eat my favorite indulgences as long as I'm eating at these family events."  Those thoughts made me feel sad.

Got any counter thoughts for me?  I'll come up with some myself, but if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

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