Saturday, May 3, 2014

Had an OK Day

I had a bunch of things I wanted to accomplish, but ended up "vegging" in front of the TV for about 3 hours which really impacted my motivation (negatively) and the amount of things I could accomplish.  I found myself thinking that I Should be working on other things rather than watching TV and feeling a bit depressed.  So what did I do?  I remembered that just getting started doing something can help defeat thoughts like this and nudged myself to get one thing done.  I picked up a magazine that I wanted to skim/read through and did just that.  Then I picked up another and read a couple of articles.  I only got to about half the things I wanted to get to, but that's OK.  I actually got several things done today and that was good.  I also made it a point to use my Daily Goals tool this evening and set some goals for tomorrow, which usually helps with things like this.  Having things written down is more effective than just trying to keep a list in my head.  We'll see how things go tomorrow.

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