Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Did it Again Today

I opened an e-mail, first thing in the morning, and kept a log of what I did.  Here's the format I had at the  top of the page...
Task, planned: x min, took: y min.  Forecast: ...; Actual:...
It's simple for me to follow.  I id the task, then the planned time it will take, then I have a space for the time it actually took, my forecast of how I think things will go, and how things actually went.  Here's how I think it's helping me.
It gets me to id how long I think something will take and then how long it took.  I have issues with forecasting that I'll get bogged down in activities and won't be able to complete them.  This record helps create a database that will, I believe, refute those forecasts.
It gets me to record my thoughts of how I think things will go and how they actually went.  I have these thoughts that things will get out of hand, which usually is not the case.  Again, I'll have a database of this, plus recording my thoughts when they happen is helping me better capture what those thoughts are.
Finally, it gives me something to review at the end of the day that is a fairly accurate description of what happened.  What I can see from these two days of data is that things don't go as bad as I forecast, and if things do get bad I usually handle them fairly well.  That's good to capture and think about.

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