Sunday, July 28, 2013

Was Feeling Anxious this Morning

I was feeling a bit anxious this morning and wasn't sure why.  The impact was I was having a difficult time planning my day.  I tracked the cause down to some "should" statements regarding my work.  These nagging thoughts were something like: "I should go in to work this morning and get some stuff done."  Note that I've been going in to work on the past few Sundays, though just for a few hours.  I didn't have anything concrete to accomplish.  I just had this nagging feeling that I should get in to work and get something off my plate for next week.  Once I figured out it was "should" statements, I was able to counter those thoughts somewhat.  I told myself that it may be a good idea to go into work, but it may also be a good idea if I got out and enjoyed myself.  There's nothing pressing on my plate that I need resolved by Monday (tomorrow), so really, "should" I go into work?  These counter thoughts helped.  I got out of the house and went kayaking, then off to my favorite Peet's coffee.  I was able to enjoy myself but still went into work for an hour or two this afternoon, with some concrete plans.  Things worked out because I discovered some issues to deal with tomorrow and got some things off my plate to free up time to work those issues.  Even though I still went into work, I think today was pretty good because the counter thoughts helped elevate my mood and enabled me to enjoy myself.

If you'd like to contribute one of your experiences, reminders, any tool entry or just your thoughts to possibly help others make better use of Mood Sentry, please consider e-mailing the item (or your thoughts) to I'll protect your privacy and keep the source anonymous.

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