Saturday, July 13, 2013

Did OK Today

I'm a little stressed right now, and think it has to do with feeling that I won't get what I need to get done tomorrow, done tomorrow.  That's a classic forecast for me.  I used my daily goals tool to identify what I need to get done and kept the list to just the essentials.  I have the prioritization scheme, which helps keep me focused in times like this.  I think part of the driver is a feeling of lament over the things I have to give up because I have to go into work tomorrow.  I'd really like to take a hike or kayak, but I don't think I can truly enjoy either with the work items hanging over my head.  I'm one of those people who will ruminate on what I have to get done and fret over it if I'm doing something else.  Times like these are coming more often than they used to, and it's wearing on me.  I plan to walk to work tomorrow, which helps me deal with feelings of stress, which is why it's one of the things I tell myself in the emotional reasoning example.  I think I've done about the best I can do.  I'll turn in for the night.  I'll probably feel better in the morning.

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