Sometimes I have a tough time letting things go. Rejecting that job offer is one of them. Let's see if I can do some analysis real-time. I feel coerced/betrayed by the company for trying to get me to accept a demotion for a job I really wanted. I think there's a should statement lurking in my thoughts, such as they should have offered me the job at my current level, or they shouldn't have tried to get me to accept a demotion. There are other thoughts in my head too. I'll never move out of my current position, or I'll be stuck here for the rest of my career. Those are over generalizations. Regarding the should statements, it would have been great if the company had offered me the position at my current level, but they have an agenda and it is not just about me. The company is doing this for just about every position that is being offered. Regarding stuck at my current position, losing one opportunity does not mean that I'll be stuck here forever. There are other things I can do, such as keep my eye on the company job board for potential opportunities. I can even apply for jobs outside my company.
Self talk like this helps, a bit. However, I'm still a little sore about the job offer. Some things take time to get over. I think if I keep addressing these thoughts that I'll get over this a bit quicker. Technically we'll never know unless I can turn the clock back and see how long it will take to get over this slight without trying, but that can never happen. I'll keep working on it because I believe that working it will help.
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